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The mandate of the Ottawa Valley Country Music Hall of Fame is:
  • To establish a permanent Hall Of Fame and Museum for the storage, preservation, and public display of musical instruments and other artefacts and memorabilia pertaining to the composition, performance, recording, and transmission of country music in the Ottawa Valley and elsewhere in Canada;

  • To develop and promote public interest in country music and its history in the Ottawa Valley and Canada; and

  • To promote and encourage the active performance of country music through the organization of events at which it can be heard and enjoyed.

The Ottawa Valley Country Music Hall Of Fame was founded in 1980, incorporated as a non-profit organization in 1987, and became a registered charity in 1988.

The Hall of Fame annually inducts new members to recognize those who, in a variety of ways, have made significant contributions to the furtherance of country music in the Ottawa Valley and Canada.

Each year, a number of different prominent members of the Ottawa Valley country music community are invited to sit on a Nominating Committee to select potential honorees for that year. The Committee's recommendations are then submitted to the Board of Directors for final approval.

Inducted members (individual members only - not an entity) receive a photographic plaque, a duplicate of which is retained by the Hall of Fame. A photograph of the plaque is also posted on the Hall of Fame’s website along with biographical information on the inductee. In addition, the inductees (individual members only - not an entity) receive a portrait of themselves created by Canadian artist Lloyd Kearns.


Members of the public are invited to make written submissions to the Ottawa Valley Country Music Hall of Fame to recommend a person, duo or group/organization as a potential candidate for induction into the Hall of Fame.

In order to be considered for nomination, a person, duo or group/organization must have made a significant contribution to country music in the Ottawa Valley and/or have been a native of the Ottawa Valley who has achieved either local, national and/or international recognition in the industry. Consideration will be given to someone who has received notable recognition in the country music industry for an extended period of time. The intent of induction into the Hall of Fame is to honour individuals who are easily recognizable for their efforts over a number of years.

In general terms, the Ottawa Valley is considered to include Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec. For a more detailed description of what we consider as the Ottawa Valley, click here.*

All submissions must include a complete bio, listing years in the business, musical accomplishments, etc. It should be noted that a submission is only guaranteed consideration by the Nominating Committee and there is no guarantee that the name(s) will be added to the list of potential candidates.


The Ottawa Valley Country Music Hall of Fame is a non-profit organization; and as such, it takes volunteers to keep the "gears oiled" and the "bolts tightened".

The people below have dedicated their free time to keep the Hall of Fame up and running by organizing the induction ceremonies, community dances and appearances throughout the Ottawa Valley.

Jim Long President
Judi Moffatt Vice President
Pam Clements Secretary
Dan Ducharme Treasurer
Shirley Young Director
Tony True Director
Bob Clermont Director
Smokey Webmaster
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