Throughout the years, as country music continues to evolve, it is important to remember the pioneers in the industry. Those dedicated individuals and groups put their hearts and souls into making their special brand of music come alive in the Ottawa Valley.

The Ottawa Valley Country Music Hall of Fame (OVCMHOF) was founded in 1980, incorporated as a non-profit organization in 1987 and became a registered charity in 1988.

This website is dedicated to all of the exceptional people who have been inducted into the Ottawa Valley Country Music Hall of Fame for their contributions to making country music in the Valley what it is today.

Please enjoy your tour of the site and take the time to visit each inductee’s page and perhaps take a trip down memory lane.

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General meeting of the Ottawa Valley Country Music Hall of Fame took place on November 26, 2023 and agreed to retain the services of Lyman Gardiner to complete the bookkeeping and accounting summary services for 2023/2024.

The Executive for the coming year was elected as follows:

  • Dale Ducharme - President
  • Pam Clements - Vice-President
  • Lynda Rogers - Treasurer
  • Brenda Harlow - Secretary

OVCMHF inductees Ward Allen (L) and Ken Reynolds (R) greet Canadian country legend Hank Snow.

(Photo courtesy of Larry Delaney Photo Archives)

We celebrate our country music past with pictures from the photo archives of Larry Delaney. Visit our Looking Back page to see more wonderful memories.

HOF Executive Secretary
1016 Route 315
L’Ange-Gardien, QC  J8L 0K5

(819) 281-3924

Website by Lee Hodgkinson  © 2018 - All Rights Reserved